Free Sales Coaching Session

sales coaching strategyIf you’ve been struggling to close enough sales and you’d like a major breakthrough, then I’d like to invite you to work with me for a free sales coaching session.  Take advantage of a personal, 1-on-1 coaching session where we will work together to…

  • Create a crystal clear vision for the sales success you desire (we’ll set targets for prospecting activities, and close ratios that will give you the lifestyle you desire)
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your sales success (we’ll pinpoint specific areas that cause breakdowns in the sales process so you can make immediate changes)
  • Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to break your personal sales records and enjoy a great income.

If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, limited, and totally FREE 30 minute coaching session, copy and paste the questions below, then email us  your answers.


1. How long have you had your current sales position?

2. What kind of product/service do you sell?

3. What are your sales commission goals for the next 12 months?

4. What were your sales commissions from the last 12 months? (ballpark)

5. What do you see as the major challenges holding you back from selling as much as you want?

6. On a scale of 0-10, how important is it for you to overcome your challenges and achieve your sales and lifestyle goals today?

7. Full Name

8. Email Address

9. Phone #

10. Time Zone

Check the areas you’d like to work on…

__ Finding a Great Prospect List

__ Prospecting

__ Assessing Needs

__ Presenting Your Offer

__ Overcoming Objections

__ Closing the Sale

__ Getting Referrals & Up-Selling

__ Other:


We’ll take as many people as we can. You can expect to get contacted by our team to schedule your session within the next 3 business days.

If you don’t hear from us, it means we’ve received more requests than we can handle right now and if something opens up we’ll get in touch with you at a later time.

Again, to take advantage of this offer, simply reply and answer the questions listed above.

Warmest Regards,





PS: The sooner you send us your answers, the more likely you are to get a session. Click contact now.