Selling with Style Coaching Program

Professional Learning Systems

Selling with Style helps salespeople use behavioral styles to increase their sales effectiveness with prospects and customers. Research shows that salespeople with who can adapt their selling style to others, usually sell more.

In the Selling with Style Coaching Program, salespeople learn to:

  • use their style  to adapt to the customer’s buying style
  • recognize their own style strengths and weaknesses
  • help the prospect/customer make buying decisions in a way that makes them feel comfortable
  • increase their sales adaptability to relate to different styles of buyers
  • open a call, question for needs, discuss benefits, handle objections and close with different buying styles

The Selling with Style Coaching Program is a 30-day program that teaches salespeople how to adapt their selling style to different styles of buyers.   The program uses one-on-one sales coaching and provides the salesperson with immediate application on-the-job. The sales coach also provides accountability for the salesperson to insure on-the-job application. The coach will provide constructive feedback to help the salesperson increase their effectiveness throughout the process.

Social Styles Upon acceptance into the program, the salesperson and coach connect to get ready for the coaching sessions. Your coach will:

  • Discuss your goals and objectives, ground-rules and start building a relationship with you.
  • Introduce concepts and assign a pre-work assignment to learn about four different selling styles.  Additional reading assignments are completed over the month-long coaching program.
  • Schedule three one-hour sales coaching meetings.

Coaching Session 1

  • You discuss your pre-work with a certified executive sales coach. Your coach is a Selling Style expert and will help you to understand the concepts and answer your questions. Download the first chapter of the comprehensive 282-page book
  • Your coach provides a link to set up your 360° online assessment. You complete an online self-assessment to determine your Style. You can select peers, colleagues, and/or customers to confidentially and anonymously confirm your Style.

Coaching Session 2

  • Your coach helps you interpret the results from your report and helps you learn your Style strengths and weaknesses.
    Download a Social Style360 sample report.
  • Together you build an action plan to incorporate Style concepts in your day-to-day-selling.
  • You will prepare a pre-call plan using Styles concepts for an upcoming call.  You will debrief your call results at your next coaching session.

Coaching Session 3

  • Your coach will review your action plan progress.
  • Together you will discuss your results using Style in your sales calls.
  • You will debrief your outcome of the planned sales.
  • Your coach arecommends a long-term developmental plan


Don’t miss the opportunity for sales coaching and to work directly with Rob. (See his bio below.) He is a highly experienced sales coach and has room for new clients starting soon.

This is a new program and our beta test.  We’re offering it at a very attractive price to increase the likelihood that you will try it,  or test it with one of your salespeople.  For a very limited time, we’re slashing the price to help us gain more experience, feedback and referrals. We are also validating this process to quantify bottom line results.  This offer is limited to one participant per company.  Rob can only work with a limited number salespeople on this project, and this offer may close at any time.   If you or your salesperson gain the expected value we promise, we will ask you to provide a testimonial that we can use on our website, and also provide us feedback about the program.


The cost is $1395 $495* per participant and includes:

  • An online multi-rater 360° Selling with Style assessment and report
  • Three private one hour coaching sessions with a certified executive sales coach
  • 282-page Selling with Style book
  • A tested learning design that insures application and results

You can order the Selling with Styles Coaching program by clicking the link below.


Rob VeVerka is an accomplished and in-demand executive leadership and sales coach. Rob was Director of Executive Education at the University of Cincinnati, working with many executives and sales managers to improve their leadership skills. He started his sales career at Xerox where he was rookie-of-the-year in his first year of selling. He trained many salespeople and managers at Xerox and worked with many Fortune 500 companies designing sales training programs. Rob provides coaching for leaders and sales professionals around the world. He follows a step-by-step tested coaching process for behavioral change.

For more information – call Rob directly at 513-772-5115 or use our contact form.

* Introductory pricing good through 5/30/2018